While the result was a victory for the British, they suffered heavy losses: over 800 wounded and 226 killed, including a notably large number of officers. The battle is seen as an example of a Pyrrhic victory, because the immediate gain (the capture of Bunker Hill) was modest and did not significantly change the state of the siege, while the cost (the loss of nearly a third of the deployed forces) was high. Meanwhile, colonial forces were able to retreat and regroup in good order having suffered few casualties. Furthermore, the battle demonstrated that relatively inexperienced colonial forces were willing and able to stand up to regular army troops in a pitched battle.
Having his troops refuse to do as he told them to.
what does triumphantly It is the adverb of triumph, or victory. To triumph is to win. Triumphantly = victoriously. acting in a victorious manner................as having won an event................
Battle of Antietam was a battle during American civil war between Union and Confederate armies. It was the first major battle fought on Union soil and till date is the bloodiest single day in history of American warfare with a combined death tally of more than 22000. Confederate army under General Robert Lee defeated Union army in this battle despite Union army having much more strength and reserve forces.
The Battle of Bull Run was part of the America Civil War and was fought on July 21, 1861 in William County, Virginia. The Union was defeated by the Confederate states.
...convince the British that the Confederacy was a viable nation, and that they would send military aid.
...convince the British that the Confederacy was a viable nation, worthy of diplomatic recognition and military aid.
Military events on September 14, 1862 cause General Lee to almost abort his raid into Maryland. He is at a great disadvantage with the enemy having the details of his divided armies. This, combined with a severe defeat of his forces at Turner's Gap, forces Lee to plan a rapid retreat back to Virginia. However, when Lee learns on September 15, that generals Jackson and McLaws have defeated Union forces at Harper's Ferry, he decides to stand and fight.
General Paul Wynnyk is a Major General in the Canadian Defense Forces, not a Lieutenant General. He is currently the Deputy Commander of the Canadian Army, having held that post since July 2012.
Julius Caesar is best known for his conquest of Gaul, his victory in the civil war he fought against the forces of the senate, his love affair with Cleopatra VII of Egypt, and his having been appointed dictator for life. He is considered as the best general in Roman history. His most famous phrase is veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered).
Having won something like a battle or contest.
There is no general statute for not having a living will.
The word is spelled "victorious" (having won a victory).
Cavalry General Wade Hampton was successful in turning back the cavalry forces under General Sheridan. At Trevilian's Station, Sheridan was forced to retreat back to Grant's main army having accomplished little to nothing.
After our basketball victory we celebrated at Papa's!You would have a great victory over your friends if you did your own homework.After our baseball victory we celebrated by having a sleepover at my house.The Americans had victory over the British.
So the whites (anit-bolshevik forces) would be unable to retrieve their 'leader' and in not having a leader would be divided. In turn being unable to beat the Bolsheviks in the civil war.
a person who is having power to turn loss into victory