His major victories include:
-Seven Days Battles June 25- July 1, 1862
-Battle of Fredericksburg December 11-15, 1862
-Battle of Chancellorsville April 30- May 6, 1863
-Battle of Cold Harbor May 31 - June 12, 1864
At the Battle of Fredricksburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee' opponent was General Ambrose Burnside. Lee gained a major victory at that battle.
In the context of the American Civil War, many individual leaders from the Southern ranks of officers may be cited as "not a Northern general. " It is not controversial at all to declare that the most famous, on account of his many victories against superior forces during the conflict, would be General Robert E. Lee.
Lee was drawn into the Battle of Gettysburg by mistake. General Henry Heath advanced on Gettysburg on the morning of July 1, 1863, in order to capture a supply of shoes in the area. His men were attacked by General Buford's cavalry division. By the time General Lee arrived on the battlefield in the afternoon, several other Confederate units had joined General Heath and the battle had developed into a major engagement. General Lee ordered the rest of his army to concentrate at Gettysburg with the goal to capture Gettysburg and defeat the Union forces defending it.
General Lee was born on January 19, 1807
Sun Shin Lee (이순신) was a general that helped win the imjin war.
His major victories were: Seven Days Battles Fredericksburgh Chancellorsville Second Manassas The Wilderness Spotsylvania Cold Harbor
General Lee played no part in the Seige of Vicksburg. The Confederate commander was Pendleton. General Lee was 900 miles away in Pennsylvania fighting at Gettysburg.
Robert E. Lee.
One of the outstanding victories of the Confederacy occurred at the Battle of Chancellorsville. Even though Jackson's army was severely outnumbered, Lee and Jackson coordinated their forces and defeated the Union army under the command of Major General Joseph Hooker.
Confederate victories were largely the result of Robert Lee and Jefferson Davis.
Three. Major General Custis Lee, Major General Fitzhugh Lee, and Captain Robert Lee.
Robert E Lee
Major Walter Taylor tells General Lee that General Hill discounts reports of a Union cavalry in Gettysburg. Major Taylor also tells Lee that General Hill thinks there is only a militia in Gettysburg.
General Robert e. Lee
Major General Joseph Hooker of the Union Army.
At the Battle of Fredricksburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee' opponent was General Ambrose Burnside. Lee gained a major victory at that battle.
Major General J.E.B. Stuart.