If you go to wikipedia.com and type in William sherman you can see a portrait by Brady. Sherman was slim with a high forhead and dark hair. He had a large but slim nose.
This seems like a US Civil War question as the phrase "March of or to the Sea" is commonly used for Union forces led by US General William Tecumseh Sherman under the overall commander of the Army of the Potomac, General Uylsses S. Grant. This march (a scorched earth type ) led to the Battle of Atlanta. What is frequently overlooked was that the main Union force used in taking Atlanta was the Army of Tennessee under Maj. General James B. McPherson. On August 31, 1865, Sherman's army captured the Macon, Georgia railway track which was a supply line to Atlanta. On September 2, 1865 the city of Atlanta formally surrendered to Sherman. Most of the "March" was a battle that began and followed the railway between Chattanooga Tennessee against Confederate General Johnston and ended in Marietta, Georgia. This was a point southeast of the captured City of Atlanta. Sherman stayed in Atlanta for 2 months, burned it to the ground, and carried on to the east. The end of the March to the Sea thus ended to the Southeast in the port city of Savannah.
Common sense.
Type your answer here... General Robert E. Lee
General Sherman applied the scorched earth method of combating the Confederacy. This tactic was used in his infamous March to the Sea.
General Sherman is a coniferous tree. It is a giant sequoia, which is a type of evergreen tree that produces cones and has needle-like leaves.
Chapter 11.
General Sherman was ordered to use "total warfare." He was to have his huge army find food along the way and to destroy the homes, railroads, factories and bridges that might help the enemy continue to resist.
Major General William T. Sherman's strategy as he invaded the South was to destroy or capture any type of supplies that could aid the Confederate armies. He confiscated civilian livestock and destroyed civilian farmlands. His goal was to deny the Confederate armies of the supplies it needed to carry on the war. Sherman has been criticized for his strategy which brought on much hardship to Southern civilians.
I'm not sure whta the opposite of declare is, but if you go to thesuarus.com, and type in declare, it will pop up for you. I'm not sure whta the opposite of declare is, but if you go to thesuarus.com, and type in declare, it will pop up for you.
well the congress have the power to declare war
If you go to wikipedia.com and type in William sherman you can see a portrait by Brady. Sherman was slim with a high forhead and dark hair. He had a large but slim nose.
Ben Sherman is a clothing based company. They design shirts, shoes, suits, and accessories. Ben Sherman has unusual and complex designs made for mostly men.
she does absoluete bullSH*T. LOL