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Dr. Strangelove

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Q: Gentlemen you can't fight in here - this is the war room is said in?
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What film was famous for the quote Gentlemen You can't fight in here this a war room?

Dr. Strangelove...or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

What are the best Peter sellers quotes?

You will have to live before you die or you will die before you live. Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room. or as Blue bottle in the Goons - " Ive fallen in da water and its bigger than me"

When gene arrives in the butt room brinker annouunces?

When Gene arrives in the Butt Room, Brinker announces that he's been waiting for him, ready to interrogate him about what happened the night of Finny's fall. Brinker also hints at uncovering the truth behind the incident and is determined to get to the bottom of the matter.

Where is lgrodons liar on Pokemon Emerald?

in the town of the last gym leader, where there is the fight between Keoger and Grodon but, i am thinking the room is empty because u cant catch either in emerald.

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How do you settle dust in a room?

you cant

How much did it cost to sit in the gentlemen's room or boxes at the globe theatre?

It cost about 1 shilling which was alot in those days

How do you sell your room in static hotel?

You cant sell your room in static hotel

Can you sell your second room on moshi monsters?

No you cant, only room items.

How can you get Rotom to change without the mystery gift?

You cant. You need the key so you can open the room If you cant get into the room you cant change him you might want to try hacking if you didnt get the mystery gift ;)

Join halo room online?

you cant...

How do you get a new free room on binweevils?

You cant