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Technically no,the U.s has never lost a war out of 199 in our history(not including the civil war).Though in the Vietnam War we did fail the objective of stopping the spread of communism. Even though the Vietnamese did not want us there we intervened anyways. In the end we did not gain our objective, because Vietnam today is under a communist government. So yes the US has lost a war. Also the US hasnt had a very long history, only about 234 years of existence, which is quite short really. So Yes the US has lost a war.

Yes the war started by the USA in 1812 to annex what is now Canada was Lost by the USA as they gained Nothing the Big winners were the Canadians

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Two: The Confederate States of America lost to the United States of America & America did not win its war against North Vietnam.

American officials and some citizens prefer to use the terms, "didn't win the Vietnam War" opposed to stating, "lost the war."

Technically we were not part of the vietnam, but yes we did lose. Also during the russian revolution we lost.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes and no we lost Vietnam but it was vietnams war not ours if it was ours we would have been our war we would have been more determined because more would have been at stake unlike losing Vietnam where America wasnt effected by the loss

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Yes China itself has lost a war. It lost the Opium Wars and came on the verge of defeat in both Sino-Japanese wars. However, that was not the Peoples Liberation Army (the Chinese Communist Party Army) that exists in China today. So technically China (the country) has lost a war but not the PLA (Peoples Liberation Army). Also the PLA has lost battles but not wars itself. In Korea the PLA lost battles but I dont consider either side to have won the Korean War, the only reason why China intervened in Korea is because the US were getting too close to the Chinese-Korean border, so they decided to help the Communists, because the whole reason why the US jumped into Korea was because they didnt want Communisim to spread, so they helped the South Koreans. Were it not for the U.S. there would be no such thing as South Korea today. The reason why I consider no one to have lost is because they agreed on the 38th parallel, North Korea didnt unite the country and South Korea didnt get all of Korea either, instead the country was split. In conclusion I will say again, China has lost a war, just that the Peoples Liberation Army, or Communist China, has not.

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βˆ™ 2y ago

It depends on the definition of 'lost'

The US has never unconditionally surrendered or been conquered by another nation. However, there are multiple wars where the US failed to meet their objectives and at least one war where the US lost territory.

The War of 1812 was an invasion of Canada that was repulsed by Canadian militias and British army, and in that sense it was a failure and a military defeat, but the US didn't lose any territory at the end of the conflict and some argue that they gained some objectives by getting the British to respect some of their rights at the end of the war. A similar invasion of Canada in the American Revolution was also repulsed, although the US won its main objectives in the Revolution by becoming independent.

The wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan were both fought to prevent hostile governments from controlling either country, but in both cases the objectives were lost, since the communists took control of Vietnam in the end and the Taliban returned back to power tin Afghanistan while still being linked with Al-Qaeda. However, in these wars, the US didn't actually lose any territory and unlike the War of 1812, it was not really a military defeat that resulted in these failures, but rather just a lack of will on the part of the US to continue the conflict.

There are a few others that I could also mention here. The US sent an expeditionary force to Russia along with other countries at the end of WW1 to help the white army fight the Bolsheviks, but the Bolsheviks achieved military victory and the US and other countries had to withdraw. In 1961, a CIA sponsored force attempted to invade Cuba at the Bay of Pigs and they were militarily defeated and the invasion was stopped. Alongside Vietnam, the US also used some of its forces to help fight communists in Cambodia and Laos, which also ultimately failed. The US tried to intervene in Lebanon in the 1980s and Somalia in the early 90s and failed to achieve their objectives, while eventually withdrawing.

Some of these wars had military defeats, while others were the result of a lack of interest in continuing the war on the part of the US. None of these wars resulted in the US actually losing territory.

However, there is one war where the US fought, was militarily defeated and lost territory, but it is very obscure. At the end of the US Civil War, the US army fought the Lakota tribe in 'Red Cloud's War' in what is today the state of Wyoming. The Lakota defeated the US army in battle and the US was forced to cede territory to the Lakota, but only for a short time, since a decade later, the US would start getting that land back again during the Sioux wars.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

No, Britain was formed in 1707 and they have not lost a war yet. England has lost many wars but has won more wars than

Erm did we not lose the Revolutionary war? Britain versus US

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The USA did not lose in any wars

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βˆ™ 4y ago

So Britain didn't lose the Irish War of Independence? The Republic of Ireland is still part of the UK, is it? They didn't lose to EOKA in Cyprus? Cyprus still belongs to Britain, does it? They didn't lose to Irgun and the Stern Gang in Israel? israel still belongs to Britain, does it?

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Q: Has the US lost any wars?
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