Woodrow Wilson was the first to hold regular prss conferences, to speak on the radio and was in office when World War 1 ended in 1918.
Colin Craig
Are you refering to the very first war , or the First World War? Obviously no-one knows how the very first war ended , but WW1 ended when the final German troops surrendered in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe).
First Bull Run (Union name for it) or First Manassas (Confederate name)
Joe Campa
the two atomic bombs that were dropped by America on japan ended the war. The first was in Hiroshima on the 6th of august and the next three days later in Nagasaki. It killed 120,000 people. Japan then surrendered which ended the war
At end of world war two, two were dropped in Japan, which ended the japan - America conflict
Woodrow Wilson
Newfoundland and the first Nations.
Woodrow Wilson
Bill Clinton served two terms in office. His first term began on January 20, 1993, and his second term ended on January 20, 2001.
Al Smith was the first Catholic candidate for a regular political party who did not win the election.
i know that it was Bush... i don't know which one in particular... i hope this helps somehow WRONG....BUSH HAD 4-9 PER YEAR, BUT THE WINNER OF THIS AWARD IS THE COWARD OBAMMA ITS BEEN ALMOST 1 YEAR NOW AND HE REFUSES TO TAKE ON QUESTIONS. That's incorrect: According to the Washington Times: "Mr. Obama tops his predecessor in total output. He has given 43 press conferences of various degrees, six of which were solo White House sessions. During the same period, Mr. Bush gave 24 press conferences, of which four were formal, solo White House sessions. "
The Office of the Prime Minister was ended on July 25, 1966. Sukarno was the last Prime Minister, and the first President of Indonesia.
John Adams seems to hold the record. He appeared in 2007 and left office in 1800.
Most doctors see people by appointment, so the first thing to do is to phone the office and make an appointment to see the doctor. In the event that your particular doctor does not require appointments, then just go to the office during regular office hours (make sure you know the schedule!) and show up.
Regular mail takes 3-5 buisness days whether the person is next door or in another state. Mail has to go thru certain departments first. 1. Your local office 2. Main office of the state 3. Main office of the receiving person 4. Local office of the receiving person
the first lady does not have an office
I may not understand your question-- a president could be re-elected and so would stay in office for another term after his first term ended.