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In 1933, Germany completely stopped paying reparations, and began to rearm. In 1934, they began to build their air force -- the Luftwaffe. In 1935, conscription was reintroduced in Germany, and the armed forces increased to five times the size it was before. The re-militarisation of the Rhineland happened in 1936, which was a major breach of the treaty. The Allies didn't do anything about these breaches of the treaty because they were following a policy of appeasement, and giving in to his demands in the hope that he wouldn't start a war.

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In a great number of ways, including building an air force, exceeding the limits on the number of men in the Army, building ships larger than those allowed by the treaty, and training men to be paratroops. The big violation, the "thumbs his nose at France and does a raspberry" violation, was the re-occupation of the Rhineland.

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Q: How did Adolf Hitler break the treaty of Versailles?
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Was Hitler convinced that the Western powers had no intention of using force to maintain the Treaty of Versailles?

Yes. Hitler thought the allies woulden't use force to keep the trat of Versailles, actually when he strated to break the treaty they (britin and France) made up the Munich pact which gave into Germany's wishes of getting more land.

Why do you think the blitz failed to break the morale of the British people?

The treaty of Versailles was what hitler used to start the next world war and everyone agreed with him. Winston Churchill told hitler to kiss his rear end but hitler had him kiss his instead

How world war 1 lead into World War 2?

Japan needed space and raw materials to fuel its industrialization and they felt China and Korea were ripe for the picking. Germany had not won a war since France in1870 and they tried to break out of their losing streak: punitive reparations demanded by the winners, France and Britain, on Germany and injured national pride on Germany's part along with the concept of Lebensraum, living-space, IE raw materials again. Italy, well, never mind! Same as above, really. And lastly, nothing gets the home team working together like an outside enemy! Works even today, doesn't it?

What was the effects of the 1936 occupation of the Rhineland?

The occupation of the Rhineland caused an escalation of tensions between Germany and other European states since this act was a direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. It threatened global collective security because Germany was rebuilding its army again and more armaments. Nations feared that war would soon break out and so they began to try and appease Hitler. This act also stirred up the nationalistic feelings of the German people. Hitler promised that he would bring back the glory and redemption that Germany had lost through world war one and the Treaty of Versailles. He helped the Germans out of the depression by remilitarizing and giving people jobs. Hitler was an expansionist during his reign, similar to Napoleon Bonaparte. Germany took the Rhineland but started expanding East later on.

What did Hitler's mom and Dad die from?

On January 14, 1907, Adolf Hitler's mother went to see the family doctor about a pain in her chest, so bad it kept her awake at night. The doctor, Edward Bloch, who was Jewish, examined her and found she had advanced breast cancer. Adolf Hitler sobbed when the doctor told him she was gravely ill and needed immediate surgery. A few days later, Klara Hitler, 46, was operated on and had one of her breasts removed. But the operation was too late. Her illness, malignant cancer, would slowly ravage her body. She couldn't make it up the stairs to the family apartment, so they moved into a first floor apartment in a suburb next to Linz, Austria. Eighteen-year-old Adolf had grand ideas of someday becoming a great artist. Each October, entrance examinations were held at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. Despite his misgivings about leaving his mother, Hitler's artistic ambitions had driven him to withdraw his inheritance from the bank and move to Vienna to study at the academy. Problems had arisen for Hitler when he failed the academy's entrance exam and his mother's condition took a turn for the worse. He left Vienna, feeling quite depressed, and went back home to his mother and did not tell her he failed the exam. Hitler consulted Dr. Bloch who recommended drastic treatment to save his mother's life. The painful, expensive treatment involved applying dosages of iodoform directly onto the ulcerations caused by the cancer. She was moved into the warm kitchen of the Hitler apartment where Adolf kept constant watch and even helped out with household chores such as cooking and washing the floor. The apartment, however, always smelled of iodoform. She bore the pain well, but Adolf anguished over every moment of her suffering. Her condition steadily worsened and as the festive Christmas season approached in December 1907, she was near death. In the early hours of December 21, amid the glowing lights of the family's Christmas tree, she died quietly. Adolf was devastated. Dr. Bloch arrived later that day to sign the death certificate. He later said he had never seen anyone so overcome with grief as Adolf Hitler at the loss of his mother. Klara Hitler was buried on a misty, foggy December day in the cemetery at Leonding, next to her husband. The cemetery also contained her son Edward, Adolf's younger brother, who had died from measles at age six. The next day, Christmas Eve, Hitler and his sisters paid a visit to Dr. Bloch and settled the medical bill. The doctor gave the family a break on the charges considering the many home visits he had made to his patient. Adolf Hitler expressed profound gratitude to the doctor. "I shall be grateful to you forever," Hitler told him. Now, with both parents gone, Hitler once again set his sights on Vienna and the art academy. He moved there in February 1908. But in that beautiful old city things would go quite poorly for Hitler. He would eventually wind up sleeping on park benches and eating at charity soup kitchens. His years of misery in Vienna would also be a time when he formulated many of his ideas on politics and race which would have immense consequences in the future.

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What treaty did Hitler break to start world war 2?

Treaty of Versailles was broken by Hitler and that began WW2.

What agreements made by the Treaty of Versailles did Hitler break?

all the agreements

What did Hitler break the Treaty of Versailles?

he belived he was powerful then evrey one else

The term used to describe the willingness of Britain and France to allow Hitler to repeatedly break provisions of the Treaty of Versailles is?

the answer is appeasement.

What rules did Neville Chamberlain let Hitler break?

Neville Chamberlain let Hitler get a bigger and stronger army and invade Poland and checkislvakia and Austria this was ageinst the Treaty of VERSAILLES

How did hitler break the Treaty of Versailles between 1933 and 1936?

I think by trying to take over the world with NAZISM

Was Hitler convinced that the Western powers had no intention of using force to maintain the Treaty of Versailles?

Yes. Hitler thought the allies woulden't use force to keep the trat of Versailles, actually when he strated to break the treaty they (britin and France) made up the Munich pact which gave into Germany's wishes of getting more land.

The break up of the German Empire?

Done by the Treaty of Versailles.

Why do you think the blitz failed to break the morale of the British people?

The treaty of Versailles was what hitler used to start the next world war and everyone agreed with him. Winston Churchill told hitler to kiss his rear end but hitler had him kiss his instead

Why asbestos Germany and reoccupation of the Rhineland a significant turning point toward war?

It was against the Versailles Treaty. The Rhineland was suppose to be a demilitarized zone with no German troops. Hitler chanced putting troops into the Rhineland but fear an attack from France. He would send around 32,000 troops to be stationed in the Rhineland, to be ready if France would attack but no such thing happened. France would appease Hitler, allowing him to break the Versailles Treaty.

What did Adolf Hitler promised?

*'''to break the treaty of Versailles.'''*'''rebuild its military.'''*'''restore Germany's economy.'''*'''take back land.''''''this is the correct answer believe me my teacher gave me the answer!!!!'''answ2. "work will make you free" was the sign above the entrance of the extermination camps."Breathing space" (lebensraum (sp?)) was a major reaction to the loss of land after WWI.

What treaty did Hitler break in 1935?

Adolf Hitler was a Gefreiter during World War I (a lance-corporal) and was twice decorated for bravery. He received the Iron Cross, Second Class, in 1914 and Iron Cross, First Class, in 1918, an honour rarely given to a Gefreiter. As such, it is unlikely that he broke any treaties then.