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This task fell to Reich Youth Leaders Baldur Von Schirach ( founder of the HJ or Hitler Jugend) and later Artur Axmann, an SS Officer who wanted ( and succeeded) in using the HJ as a feed ramp for SS officer candidates. Von Schirach survived the war, I am not sure about Herr Axmann- contributing to well, War crimes by youngsters does not look good.

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They were very undermanned towards the end of the war.

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at first it was mandatory unless you pay a fee to avoid it, but later it became a law that they had to go

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Q: How did Adolph Hitler make kids join the Adolph Hitler youth?
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How old were Adolf Hitler's kids when he died?

Hitler didn't have kids.

What did people do at the Hitler youth?

Answer: Though the Hitler Youth as an organization were not involved, the most respected Hitler Youth were promoted to the Waffen SS. These were the men in charge of the prison camps were people were slaughtered. This puts the Hitler Youth in direct connection with the Holocaust. They trained men with little emotion to run these camps, without feeling for anyone in the camps.

Why did Hitler have German children join the Nazi organization?

In the beginning of the party's existence Hitler sought to indoctrinate the youth of Germany into Nazi ideals. He did this initially by creating a version of the boy scouts called the "Hitler Youth". This was originally a fairly innocuous version of the scouts however as Hitler moved toward war, the real intent was revealed. the Hitler youth not only indoctrinated the children of Germany into support of the Third Reich, it also started to train and assess individuals for entry into the German army. In the last few months of the war as the Allies pushed toward Berlin, the defenders started to employ boy soldiers to fight alongside the Volkssturm (The German version of the Home guard). A frequently played newsreel propaganda film made by the Nazi's, shows Hitler shaking boy soldiers hands, so it was highly unlikely that he did not know it was happening.

What were Adolf Hitlers kids names?

Hitler didn't have any children.

How many foster kids did Hitler have?

Hitler did not foster kids. He had 4 children. 2 girls, and 2 boys. I work in the Washington D.C National musuem of the Holocaust. Go check for yourself.

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Did any kids disagree with Adolph Hitler in Adolph Hitler youth?

I'm sure that there was a mix in the group of children, but their officers told the kids to tell them if their parents complained about Hitler Youth

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What was the name of Hitler's group for kids?

Hitler youth.

When did it become a law that kids had to go to hitler youth?

In 1936, it became all but compulsory to join the Hitler Youth. Youths could avoid doing any active service if they paid their subscription but this became all but impossible after 1939.

What was the name for Hitlers group for kids?

Hitler Youth

Did all of Germany support the Nazis?

No. Some Germans were against the Nazis beliefs, such as sending their kids off to join the Hitler Youth, but had little power to change it.

Did Adolph Hitler hate kids?

No. He was particularly fond of children. He liked them to call him 'Uncle Wolf'.

What were the responsibilities given to the kids in Hitler Youth?

they had to take out the garbage every day

Why did Adolph Hitler make young people join the Adolph Hitler youth?

Hitler wanted to spread his antisemitic ideas, but he had to get the whole German population to believe him. Hitler realized that if he targeted the youth with his ideals then they would grow up with his deals and he could build a generation that had antiseptic views. Making the young people join the Hitler Youth is a form of indoctrination. This basically means to teach a one-sided or biased ideal. So why teach the children? The point of teaching children is because they are less resistant to change. You can relate with your own life. When you were a toddler did you ever question your parents? For example, if a mother told her child not to talk to strangers the child would accept this and not talk to strangers. But if a mother told a teenager not to talk to strangers, the teenager would ask the mother why and be more defiant in following the mother's command. Young people do not need reasoning behind why they should do something because their minds are not developed enough, and Hitler saw the young people as a jackpot in helping spread his views. If you start indoctrinating the youth you will create a generation that will grow up with these ideals and teach their own kids their ideals. Had Hitler succeeded there would have been several generations of people would had anti-semetic views in Germany.

How did Adolph Hitler get youth to join the Adolph Hitler youth?

Even though Hitler did not win the WW2, he had a lot of help from Hitler Youth (HJ). Hitler youth gained massive support from the future generation and the PARENTS. Propaganda poster made Hitler youth look fun ( which it actually was) and also taught kids on how to behave. Hitler was thinking long-term as he was using HJ to indoctrinate (brain-wash) the youth so they will support him in the future. However, since Hitler lost the war, HJ was abolished. Hitler gained over a MILLION support from HJ. This gave Hitler the confident invade other countries and break the treaty of Versailles's law.

How many kids play youth sports?

So many kids play youth sports, that it is hard to keep track. Kids join and leave everyday! so it is almost impossible to know

What age did kids start to fight in World War 2?

9 years old ------- Actually, that is wrong. German children could join the Hitler youth at 9, but they could not engage in active combat until 17 i think.