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if u have ever had sum1 die in ur family it is alful hard to get over,now think wat it would be like to hav a family member die in a grusome way like how the Vietnamies killed ppl. uve got to be crazy if u think u can just get over that answered by Vz skater

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16y ago

The attitude of most people was that it would be over by Christmas. The Government and the newspapers, were all upbeat and telling lies about how well it was going and how not many men were injured/dead. But in reality this was all a lie, millions of lives were wasted because the generals didn't have a clue about what was going on. Most of their battle plans were failures.

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Men volunteered and were drafted for military service.

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14y ago

People in all countrys were appalled at the war as the USA bombed Vietnamese civilialians and at one point Cambodia even though they were at war with North Vietnam.

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Q: How did Americans respond to the call of war domestically?
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