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like Britain, France emerged from World War 1 both a victor and a loser. poltical divisions and financial scandals palgued the government of the third republic.several parties from conservatives to communists competed for power. the parties differed on many issues, including how to get reparations payments from Germany. a series of quickly changing coalition governments ruled France.

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12y ago

They were victors because the defeated the Central Powers, but that victory didn't bring peace and partially destabilized the governments. Factor in the enormous costs in money and casualities and France and Britain lost out with World War I.

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9y ago

France retained its territorial integrity and gained some German colonies in Africa, as did Britain. They were able to enforce large reparations on the defeated Germans, however, the cost for their nations were huge, and many young men and a large % of the workforce had been killed or crippled.

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Q: How did Britain and France emerge World War I as both victors and losers?
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Who were the biggest losers in World War 1 and why?

The winners were USA, Japan, and the colonies The losers were Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire

Who won the nine year war?

The Nine Years' war was a conflict fought from 1688-1697 AD between the French and a coalition of other European countries called The Grand Alliance. There were no clear winners or losers in the war, with the only major result being that France would now recognize William III as the legitimate king of England.

What Happened to the losers of World War 1?

Of all the losing countries in WW1, Germany was hit the worst for it's major participation in the war, including Zimmerman's telegram and the sinking of American and British ships in the Atlantic. Britain, France, and the United States created the Treaty of Versailles (named after the place it was written in Versailles, France), which disallowed Germany from expanding it's military forces any further and set up a border in the Rhineland where it could not cross in the Soviet Union. However, Germany broke both of these agreements before and during the second world war, which was partially started when Germany invaded the Soviet Union after it crossed the Rhine River.

Who won and who lost World War 2?

The axis lost WW2, being Italy, Germany, Japan, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary But in truth everyone lost, with millions dead and billions of pounds of infrastructure destroyed. America it could be argued won the war being in a great economic position after and also no longer being an isolationist country and took on the role of a super power. In the same way Poland, and much of eastern Europe also lost the war being under Soviet Occupation for half a century.

Is William Tecumseh sherman a democrat or republican?

he was a democrat because he served the union army losers wrong answer any one can right stuff

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How did Britain and France emerge from World War 1 as both victors and losers?

well basically the war was against Hitler and sometimes they would win the small battle and sometimes we would win but every time they lost it got us closer to the end of the war but every time they one we would loose thousands and thousands of are men and they would only loose five hundred or six

How did Britain and France emerge from world war 1 as both victors and both losers?

well basically the war was against Hitler and sometimes they would win the small battle and sometimes we would win but every time they lost it got us closer to the end of the war but every time they one we would loose thousands and thousands of are men and they would only loose five hundred or six

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The main criteria is if an event in the most recent war helped the victors win, things about the losers are generally not considered historical.

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7th Heaven - 1996 Losers 5-3 was released on: USA: 16 October 2000 France: 1 April 2001 Belgium: 2011

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There are no losers in this world, unless you are talking about sports or something. Then yeah there are losers. But there are no losers, just mean people who call others losers. So I can't answer the question, considering that there are no losers. :)

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The term is "sore losers" and it means the same as "poor losers."

What is the plural possessive for the word loser?

The plural possessive for the word "loser" is "losers'".

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For Losers was created in 1970-07.

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The Losers - film - was created on 2010-04-23.

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Born Losers was created in 2007.

When was The Losers - comics - created?

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