At the end of World War 1, in 1919, Canada was viewed as a subordinate to Britain. Canada's Prime Minister, Robert Borden, fought for their independence. He believed that Canada's major role in the war, as well as their 60,000 casualties should allow them separate Dominion and the right to sign the Treaty of Versailles as an independent Country.
A type of savings bond used by combatant nations to help fund a war effort. Canadas war bonds where called Victory Bonds. This information is from:
Well this is confederation and maritime colonies WHICH SHOULD be under canadas history not USCan provide railway and money for rodesMaritmes traded by sea with britainNo conections to canada east and canada westNova Scotia boter said no because they would lose there idenitiyLeader tupper said yes
the sisadvantages of the war in afghanistan would the one the deaths of the inocent civiliens over 132 000 dead since 2001-2011.And we cant forget the death of all the canadien and american soldiers over 19,629. there is also all the money put in to this war so many people in america are sufering from it and canadas not to far away from it either.Over 444 bilion
The two Canadas wanted to attend the Charlottetown Conference because they thought it was a good opportunity to convince the Maritimes ( Atlantic Canada) to join their larger union.
canadas national fish is cod and salmon................................................thats wat i think how bout u
tropical fruit
July 1st
To many laws to list
I think they celebrate Christmas
Newfoundland and Labrador
what does Canadas import from Finland