The largest counter-offensive to Operation Overlord during the Battle of Normandy?æwas Operation Luttich. This counter-attack, also known as the Mortain counter-offensive, mostly consisted of the power from the XLVII Panzer Corps, hoping to pierce to the coast of Avranches to cut off the US Army. This attack was, in the end, unsuccessful.
The Allies needed a foothold in France to launch an invasion to liberate France and attack Germany from the west.
All of the above
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
all of the above
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
Russia was an Axis country when the Axis powers attacked the Allied nation of France. The Russians were working with Germany.
The Italians did not defend France and the low countries.
The Allies needed a foothold in France to launch an invasion to liberate France and attack Germany from the west.
Yes! The Allied Forces invaded the coast of Normandy, France. This was the largest amphibious attack ever launched. The attack was on June 6, 1944. When the Allied Forces reached Germany, the end of the war came. The war ended May 7, 1945.
All of the above
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
It began as German offensive but ended with a successful allied counter attack which saw the Germany army pushed back
all of the above