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he promised a return to glory

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8y ago
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Shaun Lehner

Lvl 10
3y ago

he promised a return to glory for Germany

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14y ago
AnswerHitler was a classic politician. He promised the Germans what they wanted to hear and blamed all of their problems on someone else. He was a very charismatic leader and told the Germans that they were the "master race" and that they should be running the world. He blamed their financial problems on the Jews, gypsies, homosexuals and anyone else who was not Germanic.

The inflation caused by the war debts and reparations made people in Germany very angry. He blamed the economic crisis on the Treaty of Versailles and promised to return Germany to power and glory in Europe. People liked these ideas and supported Hitler

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15y ago

Through manipulation, lies and mesmerism. He actually learned mesmerism and practiced for hours in front of a mirror learning his gestures, facial expressions and vocal inflections.

He also reigned by intimidation and fear, much like Sadaam Hussein. False promises, hopes and dreams of restoration of the Father Land coated his speeches. Remember, Germany was dismantled after WW1 and many felt that this (Hitler) was their redemption for feelings of being treated badly.

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17y ago

I don't know that the question is perhaps correct in it's implication. Hitler had been trying to achieve popular support for his political aspirations for quite some time: and for the most part he had got nowhwere. All through the 1920s he was little more than a Munich rabble rouser, and what a rabble the Nazis were. The problem was that once he got any power at all he was extremely effective in maginalising opposition against him. And this went even to the core of his own supporters, the murder of Ernst Roehm proves that, (The Night of the Long Knives) and what Hitler did once he had power was to centralise it very effectively. I make the point that the rise of Hitler wasn't easy, but accept that once in power he uses it to great effect from his own point of view. Many people in Europe, outside of Germany, thought he was a thoroughly nice chap ! How wrong can you be ? But he comes to power promising to rebuild Germany and make it prosper, and of course people want to believe what they want to hear. One can be sure there were electoral imperfections, but ostensibly Hitler was democratically elected: 12 years later Germany was devastated.

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14y ago

The National Socialist German Workers Party, of which Adolf Hitler was the leader, was elected to a parliamentary majority of seats in the Reichstag in March, 1933. Hitler was appointed Chancellor of the new government. By forming a brief coalition with the Centre Party, they passed, by a two-thirds majority, an amendment to the German Constitution (the Enabling Act) that abolished the separation of powers, gave the chancellor the right to rule by decree and suspended many civil liberties. They immediately banned all the political parties that had opposed them and sealed their hold on power.

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12y ago

The political parties of Germany fought from 1929 to 1933. Adolf Hitler was a member of the Nazi party in the early 1920's. He gave tremendous speeches to get people to follow him. Also, his puppets, the brown shirts, burned the place where the government met in Germany. Hitler then framed the Communists. Because of his speeches and backstabbing, he was able to reach power.

In the mid to late 1930's, Hitler took what had been taken from Germany after World War I, such as the Rhineland. Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement to give Hitler the Sudetenland, and acted like you could trust Hitler. This only gave Hitler the knowledge that no one was going to stand up to him until he blatantly attacked another nation.

In the war, Hitler used blitzkrieg, lightning war, to quickly take over countries such as Poland, Norway and France, and Romania. By the end of 1941, he had pushed all the way to just short of Moscow in the East, North Africa in the south, Norway in the north, and completely through Spain in the west.

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14y ago

he was a motovational speaker and got a lot of people on his side

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11y ago

He told them what they wanted to hear.

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