It allowed him to merge the positions of Presidency and Chancellorship into one.
Before Hindenburgs death in 1933 he asked Adolf Hitler to become chancellor. Shortly after that Hitler gained a large portion of leadership in Germany. The answer to your question is Adolf Hitler.
Hitler came to power as Chancellor, under President Hindenburg, in the Weimar Germany which was a democratic republic. After Hindenburgs death he combined the two roles of Chancellor and President to become the Fuhrer, banning other parties making him a dictator as part of a dictatorship.
Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 in Germany, the north-central European nation. His ascension into the role of Chancellor was the result of a democratic process, but he and his Nazi followers soon arranged to secure absolute power and to outlaw any competitive political parties in the nation.
Adolf Hitler until his death, and then Karl Donitz.
Hitler was born April 20, 1889 and died on April 30, 1945
Before Hindenburgs death in 1933 he asked Adolf Hitler to become chancellor. Shortly after that Hitler gained a large portion of leadership in Germany. The answer to your question is Adolf Hitler.
General Paul von Hindenburg
the Germans were defeated and the allied forces began to rebuild and help the Jews in death camps that actually survived the terrible mess Hitler put them through
Hitler came to power as Chancellor, under President Hindenburg, in the Weimar Germany which was a democratic republic. After Hindenburgs death he combined the two roles of Chancellor and President to become the Fuhrer, banning other parties making him a dictator as part of a dictatorship.
Hitler's wife was with him at his death. He killed her then killed himself.
Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 in Germany, the north-central European nation. His ascension into the role of Chancellor was the result of a democratic process, but he and his Nazi followers soon arranged to secure absolute power and to outlaw any competitive political parties in the nation.
No, Hitler committed suicide so only he had anything to do with his death.
Say what.
No, Hitler's mother died from breast cancer at the age of 47. It happened that her doctor was Jewish, but he did not cause her death and was actively trying to help treat the condition.
The sentence for homosexuality was not death. As for why he killed Jews, the related question below should help.
Hitler married Eva Braun, shortly before his death.