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Hitler was never actually elected by the German people to become Fuhrer he took the control in 1933. He ran for President in 1932 but lost to the current President, and was appointed Chancellor of Germany. When the Nazi's took over Germany in 1933 he was appointed by the party to become Fuhrer.

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Hitler was never president. He appointed himself Fuhrer.

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When does Hitler become president?

He is the best attacker.

What year did Adolf Hitler become president?


Which year did he become chancellor and president Adolf Hitler?

In 1933

How did Adolf Hitler become the ruler of Germany?

He was elected for chancellor and when the president died Hitler siezed the opertunity and merged Chancellor and president into one.

What year did hitler become president of germany?

Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Why did Hitler want to become a chancellor?

Hitler didn't want to be Chancellor in first place, he wanted to be president but Paul Von Hindenburg dis aloud it. Dispite through Violence such as Munich Putsch and through elections Hitler was unsuccessful in becoming President, so he accepted role as chancellor and waited intill Hindenburg died then he can become president. To see it in some detail watch Hitler: Rise of evil, it show you how and why Hitler wanted to be president.

How did Adolf Hitler become a leader from the start?

He was voted president by the German people

How did Hitler eventually become leader of Germany?

He was elected as President of the Republic of Germany.

Who was the Hindenburg named after?

He was the president of Germany before the Hindenburg was made. He helped Hitler become the leader of Germany. In dedication to him, Adolf Hitler named the Zeppelin Hindenburg.

How did Adolf Hitler become a dictador?

The President died and he assumed overall control.

Who was president of Germany during the Holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was President at the time of the Holocaust. Hitler was made Chancellor and President, this new "role" was called Fuhrer. This is what ultimately made Hitler a Dictator.

When did Hitler become a knazi?

Hitler didn't become a Nazi he founded the Nazi party.