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Ho Chi Minh fought the Japanese during WWII with insurgency operations, in line with the French underground category of insurgency, that took place in France when occupied by Nazi Germany. During WWI Ho Chi Minh was considered an ally (anyone fighting against the Axis, including the Soviet Union, were considered allies during WWII). During the French Indo-China war 1946-1954, Ho Chi Minh openly engaged in war against France. During WWII, Ho Chi Minh was aided by the allies. During the French Indo-China war, he was aided by the communists.

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Q: How did Ho Chi Minh stop the Japanese and French colonial?
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Why did Americans help the french against the viet minh?

originally the Americans were on the side of the Viet Minh. during world war two the Americans supplied the viet minh with aid and money to support their war effort against the french and the Japanese, because they wanted the Japanese defeated and did not like the idea of the old colonial powers having empire again. the American's did not care that at the heart of it ho chi minh was a communist. however after world war two finished this all changed. the Americans were in the midst of the cold war with communist russia and they did not want any more countries of the world to become communist, as most of eastern Europe was already. the American president, Truman, did not want another country to become communist, and so created the Truman doctrine with the policy of containment. The Americans swapped sides and started aiding the french, claiming that they were fighting for a democratic country, because they did not want to see the communists in power. this ended in the battle of Dien Bien Phu when the french lost dramatically and the Geneva convention agreed that Vietnam shoudl be split into two, the north as communist and the south as demoscratic. so really the general answer summed up is: because the Americans were afraid of the spread of communism and wanted to stop Vietnam becoming communist at all costs.

Why did the US support France Vietnam War Efforts?

Because this was during the cold war. After the communist takeover in China by Mao Zedong, the US was convinced that this may happen again in Vietnam. To avoid this, they supported the French to stop communism in Vietnam to happen.

What were the vietnamese's in World War 2?

The Vietnamese did not participate in WW2. Lots of dead bodies of Japanese soldiers testify to the participation of the Vietnamese in WW2. Japan invaded "French Indo-China" as it was then called and defeated the French in short order. The Vietnamese were not such a pushover and put up a spirited resistance all through the Japanese occupation.

What did the Geneva agreements of 1954 decide about the future of Vietnam?

N & S Vietnam were created as one term in the treaty signed between the French and the Communist government in Vietnam. The country was supposed to hold democratic election and reunification itself by 1956; no other countries were allowed to interfere. This did not happen as the US came replacing the French in South Vietnam to stop the spread of communism in the South East Asia, violating the treaty. This led to the Vietnam war later

How did roosevelt want the us and other nations to stop the aggression of the Japanese?

by the use of economic nations

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What war in Vietnam began on 1946?

Type your answer here... The local anticommunist want to stop the French colonial.

How did the US get involved in the Vietnamese war?

In the 1940's and 1950's French Indo-China (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia) was experiencing an armed conflict between western colonial powers (French colonists and sympathetic Vietnamese) and a communist, nationalist, anti-Japanese and anti-western influence faction led by Ho Chi Minh. The French forces demanded support from the U.S. under President Dwight Eisenhower. At the 1954 Geneva Conference the United States played a large role in the partitioning of North and South Vietnam (North being Communist, South being Capitalist). President Eisenhower was a proponent of the "domino theory" and trying to use western influence and power to stop Communism. The roots of U.S. involvement in Vietnam begin here in the 1950's, when the French were struggling to maintain a colonial influence in Indo-China.

How did colonial leaders prepare for war with Britain?

The french navy blocked the British from escaping by sea while American and French forces surrounded and trapped the British inside Yorktown.

Why did Americans help the french against the viet minh?

originally the Americans were on the side of the Viet Minh. during world war two the Americans supplied the viet minh with aid and money to support their war effort against the french and the Japanese, because they wanted the Japanese defeated and did not like the idea of the old colonial powers having empire again. the American's did not care that at the heart of it ho chi minh was a communist. however after world war two finished this all changed. the Americans were in the midst of the cold war with communist russia and they did not want any more countries of the world to become communist, as most of eastern Europe was already. the American president, Truman, did not want another country to become communist, and so created the Truman doctrine with the policy of containment. The Americans swapped sides and started aiding the french, claiming that they were fighting for a democratic country, because they did not want to see the communists in power. this ended in the battle of Dien Bien Phu when the french lost dramatically and the Geneva convention agreed that Vietnam shoudl be split into two, the north as communist and the south as demoscratic. so really the general answer summed up is: because the Americans were afraid of the spread of communism and wanted to stop Vietnam becoming communist at all costs.

What goal did president Roosevelt hope to achieve when he enacted the embargo on naval and aviation supplies I'n 1940?

to stop Japanese expansion

How do you say stop on Japanese?

Tomare is stop.

How do you say stop in French?

"Stop" in French is "arrêt" or "stop."

Why did the US support France Vietnam War Efforts?

Because this was during the cold war. After the communist takeover in China by Mao Zedong, the US was convinced that this may happen again in Vietnam. To avoid this, they supported the French to stop communism in Vietnam to happen.

How do say stop it in french?

Stop it! is 'arrête !' or 'arrête ça !' in French.

Why don't THE US stop the Japanese killing whales?

because if they try to stop them it will create a war between the Japanese and that country

What does Arret mean in French?

Arrêt means 'stop' in French. EX: A bus stop is 'un arrêt de bus'.

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