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she lost in in a war by doing something like fighting against kush

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one eye candes


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Q: How did Queen Amanirenas lose her eye during that battle?
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What does queen amanirenas mean?

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Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.Cleopatra was not a successful queen. Successful queens do not lose their kingdoms.

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