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It was not until after the Civil War that cattle hearders began driving their herds to the railheads of the Transcontinental Railroad being constructed, for shipment to the East. They could receive better prices by doing that. The local prices per pound were extremely low.

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Q: How did Texas cattle industry change after civil war?
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What impact did the civil war have on the Texas cattle industry?

The Civil War had a devastating impact on the Texas cattle industry. Cattle ranching was for the most part stopped. Those cattle that could be sold, sold for far below what they should have.

When did Cattle boom or cattle industry began?

After the American Civil War, which was around 1865.

What breed of cattle was the basis for cattle industries?

The Texas Longhorn, which was the foundation breed that influenced the growth and expansion of the cattle industry in the United States before, during and after the Civil War. Herefords came next (imported after the Civil War), followed by various other breeds that were imported from other countries.

After the Civil War why did Texas ranchers drive cattle herds to kansas?

After the Civil War Texas ranchers drove cattle in herds to Kansas because that is where the big stockyards were at the time. It was also a place for the Texas ranchers to use the railroad for shipping cattle elsewhere.

How did early Spanish explorers and settlers influence the development of the cattle industry in the Western US?

Nothing. The only "contribution" they ever made to the early American cattle industry was let loose a bunch of Spanish cattle that are now ancestors to the Texas Longhorn and Florida Cracker cattle. After the civil war, there were millions of cattle in southwestern USA that needed to be rounded up and shipped to eastern markets to meet the increasing demand for beef.

In texas the abundance of cattle created what?

In Texas the abundance of cattle created a greater demand for beef from folks back east. This was after the Civil War to the late 1880s.

What did the abundance of cattle in Texas create?

In Texas the abundance of cattle created a greater demand for beef from folks back east. This was after the Civil War to the late 1880s.

Why did the Texas cattle industry grow after civiler war?

People from back east needed more meat, since all of the meat was used up feeding the soldiers in the Civil War.

Why couldn't the Confederacy use Texas cattle to feed its soldiers during the Civil War?

The Confederacy couldn't use Texas cattle to feed its soldiers during the Civil War because the Union had blocked the Mississippi River.

How did the price of the cattle in the east compare to the price in Texas after civil war?

the price in the north after the civil war was higher than the southern after the civil war because in the north the had more value for the cattle than the south that's how cattle drive started.

What caused the large excess of cattle in Texas after the Civil War?

Many farms and ranches were neglected during the civil war.

How did the end of the civil war affect the cattle industry?

By helping you with homework!! Go screw a teletubbie:)