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It didn't. We kept strong, valued mateship, and as always, came home strong in the end. In fact, more Australian P.O.W's lived than any other nations because of our ruggedness and sense of humour.

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Q: How did World War 2 affect the ANZAC spirit?
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Related questions

When did the anzac war last?

There was no Anzac war. It's WW1 a.k.a world war 1.

Was the ANZAC Day in World War 1 or the second?

The original ANZAC landing occurred in 1915, during World War I.

Where did the soldiers of Anzac fight?

in WORLD war I as well as WORLD war II

Did the ANZAC's win the World war 1?

No they did not win the war

Was anzac part of World War 2?

Nothey were not, ANZAC refers to the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought together in the 1st world war.

Who started the Anzac war?

There was no "Anzac War" - the Anzacs were Australian and New Zealand soldiers who helped the British in World War 1 and 2 .

Which war was Anzac Day origination involved in?

Anzac Day is a day in April that is celebrated in New Zealand and Australia to commemorate their soldiers who fought in the ANZAC in World War 1 in Galipoli and elsewhere. see related link below.

Where did they battle in world war 2?

anzac monument

What world war was the Anzac's?

ANZAC was a phrase used to describe units from Australia and new Zealand, it originated in World War one, specifically during the Gallipoli campaign.

Who stated the ANZAC war?

There was no such thing as the "ANZAC war". It was part of World War One and called the Gallipoli Campaign. Technically the British did when they landed troops at Gallipoli.

When did the ANZAC'S enter World War 2?

4/25/1915 was the day the ANZAC forces endered World War 1 and on April 1941 they set up in Greece to start fighting World War 2. But ANZAC day in New Zealand and Australia is celebrated on the 4/25 date from the first war.

What country did the ANZAC group atended in and what war was it?

they went to Gallipoli for the I world war