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Europe was taking loans from the bank and not being able to pay them back which made the banks fail and shut down. people who made deposites lost most of their money and sence money was already tight buisnesses had to cut people's pay and sometimes fire the workers which left them jobless and sometimes homeless.

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it was hitler i am hitler


In the 1st ww, the depression did not exist. It came in 1929.

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It led to the Great Depression because the U.S. was in debt to other countries

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The president during the Great Depression and World War 2 was Franklin Roosevelt.

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World War 1 lasted from 1914-1918. The great depression lasted from October 1929-1939.

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Technology did not get the US out of the Great Depression. World War II is what got the United States out of the Great Depression because of all the jobs that were created with prepping for the war.

What came first the Great Depression or World War I?

World war I was 1916 for the U.S. The great depression began with the stock-market crash in 1929. So world war 1 came first.