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The word "army" is related to "arm" in the sense of a weapon. In Latin, "armata" means an armed group. It appeared in French as "armée" and then in English as "army" in the 14th century. The specific meaning of a land military force (as opposed to navy) is from the 18th century.

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16y ago

Army ants were named Army Ants by scientists because they are regimented (disciplined) and move, attack, and destroy (kill and consume) as an Army.

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15y ago

They were originally a unit that did landings and other marine-based attacks.

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Army ants are the name given to several species of aggressive ants. The worker ants produce pheromones to keep army ants marching.

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What NFL team name is army insects?

The Giants. G.I. ants.

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A group of ants are called a colony/army of ants

What NFL team had a nickname army ants?

The NFL team that had the nickname army insects was the Giants. This worked out because the word ants was already in their name, and the GI stood for the army.

What do army ants ants eat?

Army ants eat crumbs

Classification of Army ants?

Army ants includes over 200 species and are part of the subfamily ecitoninae. Army ants belong to the formicidae family.

What are groups of ants called?

ARMY of ants

collective noun for ants?

an army of ants

What is weapon of army ants?

The main weapons of all the army ants are their jaws, especially the very large jaws of the major soldiers. There are several subfamilies of army ants, and some of subfamilies have stings as well. Some of the African army ants do not have stings and others do. The American army ants (Eciton) all have stings.

Army fire and carpenter are types of what insect?

Army fire ant and carpenter ant are types of ants, which are insects belonging to the Formicidae family. Ants are social insects that live in colonies and are known for their division of labor and organized behavior. Army fire ants are known for their aggressive behavior and painful stings, while carpenter ants are known for tunneling into wood to build their nests.

How much can army ants carry?

A single army ant queen can lay as many as 300,000 eggs in a matter of just a few days. Over 200 species of ants have the name army ants.