They helped manufacture ammo/weapons, tanks, transportation trucks/Jeeps, ships/submarines/U-boats, and many other useful and necessary items used during World War II.
regulate their economic systems to increase production
Thousands of factories in Britain and Europe were destroyed in WW2.
Most work in occupations such as factory work, was done by men. When they left to go fight the war, there was a large increase in women who went to work in these factories. This helped lead to an increase in women workers, and a shift in the social status of women after the war.
The main reason why the Germans bombed factories was because if they it and electricity or food factories the electricity would go and they would eventually starve to death.
Meg Griffin
NO. Any and all factories were geared for war production.
If OPEC reduced output, then world supply will fall. Thus, as supply falls, the price will rise, and the profits of oil-producing countries increase. (In a demand-and-supply graph, the supply curve will shift to the left and you'll see the change in price.)
If OPEC reduced output, then world supply will fall. Thus, as supply falls, the price will rise, and the profits of oil-producing countries increase. (In a demand-and-supply graph, the supply curve will shift to the left and you'll see the change in price.)
Cookies were in short supply for several reasons: 1. rationing limited the supply of cookie materials such as sugar. 2. many factories/bakeries stopped domestic production and turned their factories into war plants, making materials and supplies for the soldiers. 3. transportation of goods was limited because trains, etc were reserved for the military and military supply. so, the girl scouts sold calendars!
14.2857% increase.
Around 15 million depending on what production numbers you read. As they were manufactured in 11 factories around the world production numbers are debatable.
It has half of the oil supply of the world.
An increase in the number of people employed in agriculture
Because the men were fighting they needed people to work in the factories to produce and supply them.
To try to feed an ever-growing world population.
WW2 was a war of production, America was able to convert it existing automobile factories into plane and tank production lines. With the majority of men out fighting, women had to take the place of the men in the factories. After the war some women held on to their jobs.
if you were trying to say did the year world war one increase the production of cotton and copper the answer is yes