General Lee was born on January 19, 1807
Sun Shin Lee (이순신) was a general that helped win the imjin war.
General Lee defeated Pope in the Second Battle of Bull Run.
At the Battle of Fredricksburg, Confederate General Robert E. Lee' opponent was General Ambrose Burnside. Lee gained a major victory at that battle.
General Grant's army defeated General Lee's army and Grant accepted Lee's surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Grant's treatment of Lee was characterized by such respect and generosity that Lee would not permit a bad word to be spoken about the man who had beaten him.
Benjamin Lee - general - died in 1828.
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John Lee - Attorney-General - died in 1793.
Yes, General Lee died on October 12, 1870
Confederate General Robert Edward Lee died in 1870at Lexington, Virginia.
Charles Lee - general - died on 1782-10-02.
No, he didn't.
He did not die in a battle. But he surrendered at Appomattox Court House.
Most likely, congestive heart failure.
January 19, 1807 - October 12, 1870
The Confederate General Robert E. Lee died October 12, 1870, in Lexington, Virginia.
No, General Lee is not single.