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they told them that they could go to different countries (many people in that time hadn't even been out of their town so they wanted to see the rest of the world) also you could do other jobs not just fighting like be a blacksmith...

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

In the United States 4,355,000 soldiers fought in the war. Out of that roughly half were drafted. Patriotism was the main source of motication for those joining WW1 and 2. There was an extensive campaign through speeches and media to excite men in the name of patriotism.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

Abigail Fisher Cheating!! I Was Looking Aswell Haa Love Youu x

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Young men were persuaded to join the army by posters and to think that they are brave if they did not join they were called cowards and not so fit, you would also be given a wight feather.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

they persuaded men to join by propaganda, this would change the men's thoughts and would boost their confidence to try and conquer other countries.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

through Propaganda and how proud they were of their country

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Q: How did government persuade men to join the army ww1?
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they used propaganda. and they made Americans feel sorry for the men who died in the army so they would buy them and support the war

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They technically aren't allowed to; the maximum age to join just the Army Reserve is 42.

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yes they did have a choice to join but towards the end of the war there were two reffarendams held. Australian communitys had to vote on wheather they wanted conscription or not but they were not passed so austrlaian men did have a choice to join the army.

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Some reasons for African American men to join the British Army include supporting the military and helping the country. Those who join the British Army risk their lives in order to help ensure freedom.

Why did the men want to join the army?

To defend their country and protect the people

When did most men join the roman army?

most men joined the roman army because this answer is not open right now try again later