they told them that they could go to different countries (many people in that time hadn't even been out of their town so they wanted to see the rest of the world) also you could do other jobs not just fighting like be a blacksmith...
Loyalty and duty.
A generous bounty - a bad idea, because men would take the money, immediately desert and join up again, just for the money.
They sent a white feather. It implied cowardice.
loyalty and duty
loyalty and duty
It is the act by which the government persuade young men to volunteer and join the army,navy and air forces.
Conscription was used in World War 1, when men wouldn't join the army the Government used conscription as a way of making men join. They had absolutely no choice.
He wanted the poor men join the army because they already had nothing.
Well suited men
they used propaganda. and they made Americans feel sorry for the men who died in the army so they would buy them and support the war
They technically aren't allowed to; the maximum age to join just the Army Reserve is 42.
yes they did have a choice to join but towards the end of the war there were two reffarendams held. Australian communitys had to vote on wheather they wanted conscription or not but they were not passed so austrlaian men did have a choice to join the army.
Some reasons for African American men to join the British Army include supporting the military and helping the country. Those who join the British Army risk their lives in order to help ensure freedom.
To defend their country and protect the people
most men joined the roman army because this answer is not open right now try again later