Holocaust victims.
Troops were not killed in the Holocaust, but Jews 6 million died. ____ The Holocaust was genocide, not a war.
it was not, the Holocaust was much more organised and the victims clearly defined.
A large proportion of the Holocaust victims were slaves. If you are meaning to compare to American slaves; you need to know that American slaves though treated poorly were actually treated better than most slaves in history, including people who were slaves under Nazi Germany.
By 1939-1940 the SS had become a kind of business (as well as a branch of the terror apparatus and the German army). There was no budget for the Holocaust and it was paid for by the victims, by: # Hiring out slave labourers to private companies. # Selling the victims' possessions.
Most of the child victims were gassed with their mothers.
Most Holocaust victims were all ages, from newborns and unborns to 100 year olds.
Holocaust victims.
The main problem was that they were going to die.
Most Holocaust victims died through gas poisoning.
The victims are dead.
YES, The Holocaust victims did consist polish people.
Troops were not killed in the Holocaust, but Jews 6 million died. ____ The Holocaust was genocide, not a war.
About 54,000 Jewish Greeks were victims of the Holocaust. Most of them were transported out of Greece to other camps.
Most of them wore prison clothes supplied by the state.
the victims
they were the victims