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some people thought that it was good because they did nott want connunism to spread and others did not like the fighting in Vietnam because they had friends and family fighting in the war and were worryed about thbem so therefore they did not want the war to be going on

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

US males living at home, in the United States of America, were drafted (conscripted), or volunteered, for the US Military (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard), and WERE SENT to Vietnam to fight the war.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Many of Viet Vets used their old fatiques for rags and worked on their cars with them. After ridding themselves of anything military, the Vietnam Vets often let their hair grow out (to better fit in with society...short hair indicated a military or policeman) and they never talked about Vietnam (with the one exception of filling out Job Applications); lest they become discriminated against (not get a job) or end up arguing with somebody or getting into a fist fight with someone.

So, it was best to just "keep quiet" and avoid trouble.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

The country was polarized by the conflict, with many supporting the US role and especially the soldiers, while others protested the war and the military draft. The protests culminated in violent demonstations that marred the 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago, and the tragic shooting of students at Kent State in 1970.

The peace movement in the US included many who vilified the soldiers as well as US political leaders, and condemned what they saw as US Imperialism and war crimes. The sentiment against the war increased to the point that the US sued for peace, and the troops were ordered home. Congress would not approve further funds to support South Vietnam, leading to a rapid victory by the forces of North Vietnam.

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βˆ™ 18y ago

The criticism of the war in Vietnam started out mainly as a conservative reaction to President Johnson

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βˆ™ 17y ago

It was ignored until about 1965 when the protest movement became effective. When the Kent State shootings happened, on 4 May 1970, the US public finally demanded an exit from Vietnam.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It affects the Americans at home deeply. for some, they have family fighting in the war and they miss them. and for others they just feel sad i guess...

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βˆ™ 17y ago

It was a divided nation.

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Q: How did people at home fight in the Vietnam war?
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Where did they fight the Vietnam war?

Air war-North Vietnam Ground war-South Vietnam

How the Vietnam war caused a division in the American people?

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Why did so many people opposed the Vietnam war?

Some people were against the Vietnam War because young men were being drafted to fight in the war.

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Because they were drafted.

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It means that the American people were divided on the merit of this war. Some wanted to continue the fight, while others wanted to bring the troops home.

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The same as with most all other wars. Only in Vietnam the GIs had to fight their own countrymen when they got home (fist fights, etc.).

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Plenty of US Servicemen of Irish descent fought in the war, but Ireland did not fight in the Vietnam War.

What did president ford do to people who didn't fight in Vietnam?

After the war, the draft dodgers were pardoned.

Where did the Vietnam fight at?

The "Air War" was fought over North Vietnam. The "Ground War" was fought in South Vietnam.

Who was for or against the Vietnam War?

Many who didn't have to fight the war, were for it. Many who had to fight the war, were against it.

How did the people being drafted to fight in the Vietnam War fell about the war generally?

we killed lots of people. and bombed them more and incinerated them with napalm