It depends in what country you lived and if your country was successful or not. Some were happy and optomistic that the great war had come to an end. others were unhappy that sad because they had lost their family and friends, something that could never be repaired. Many soldiers that had survived and come back from the war were getting ready for the hard years that lay in front of them. they suffered form Shell shock and amputation. Many were upset at the media that had let Propaganda influence them to join the war. Others were upset that their country had not succeded. But history repeted itself again when WWII begun. I guess the so called war to end all wars (which was another name for WWI) didn't work out.
Like any other war before or since World War II, people living in a war zone feel worried, terrified, sad, angry, and feel the lack of control over their own circumstances. People were injured or killed, leaving sad family members. People also feared for their own lives, their children and family's lives.
He actually didn't want to. All he wanted was "Lebensraum" for the German people to live, which included the Soviet Union, Poland, and most of Eastern Europe. Its a common misconception that he wanted to rule the world.
Long ago people thought that the world was flat, and that sailing ships would fall over the edge.
we have learn that we should not fight and respect people from all over the world.
The Atlantic Charter was a policy that declared the Allies goals for the world once World War II was over. It was World War II itself that caused the creation of this statement.
people feel the need for drugs because once they start, they are hooked. Once they get "high", they feel the need to get "high" more and more as they do drugs, which sometimes ends up in an 'OD' (over dose/dosage)
People come from all over the world to see her in Paris. They are fascinated.
Many people are afraid of losing their jobs to robots. They want to feel a sense of purpose in working and they want the income.
All over the world.
Well , Honestly liars are my LEAST favorite type of people. i usually forgive them , but usually when people lie once, they tend to lie over and over. So i would move on and find new friends you can trust. :D
Servers have a limit to how many people can be connected to it at once. Within this limit, yes, anyone from around the world can go on any server.
over 6million people have a Microsoft program on their computer all over the world
after slavery, black people are so relieved that its finally over. But the whites still feels that they need to continue to rule the world. whites still remains evil! they are always going to be jealous of blacks natural skin.
Over 5 million people across the world watched it. Over 5 million people across the world watched it. Over 5 million people across the world watched it.
To bring awareness among the people the importance of learning to read and write.To bring over confidence in them to know about their rights and feel their existence.
happy that they won