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On foot, on bicycles, by train, by car, by ship or by plane.

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By foot

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Q: How did people in World War 2 travel?
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How did people travel from London to Berlin during the World War 2?

People did not travel from London to Berlin in WW2 unless they were in a military aircraft and dropping bombs.

Did any country use ships to travel in World War 2?

yes,our country used to travel in word war 2

How did the evacuated children in World War 2 travel?

they poo

Why were people avoiding World War 2?

The people were avoiding world war 2 because,they were afraid.

How did World War 2 affect people in World War 2?

Usi lemu

What improved the accuracy of maps after World War 2?

Sonar, RADAR and satellites and space travel improved the accuracy of maps after World War 2.

Did more people die in WW1 than World War 2?

No, many more people died in World War 2 than world war 1. It is estimated that 16 million people died in World War 1, and around 60 million in World War 2.World War II was no where near as violent as World War I, but yes, more people died in World War II.

Why did more people die in World War 2 then any other war?

Because world war was more dominate and world war 2 has more killing in world war 2

How man people thought in World War 2?

about 9.5 fillpin million people fought in world war 2

How did people travel in the evacuation of world war 2?

By foot to the nearest bus or train station, where they would then get on a bus or train to be evacuated into the countryside.

Who had war debts after World War 2?


How many people died at World War 2?

50 to 70 million people lost their lives in World War 2.