the reason is that Britain went through a massive devastation and needed time to recover that is why rationing was still going on after the war.
Rationing in Great Britain did not end immediately at the end of the second World War. For instance, sweets didn't come off ration until the 1950's.
The rationing of food helped the US send food to England and the troops. The rationing of fuel and oil assisted the war to fly planes, move ships and vehicles. The rationing of clothing and other things allowed companies which normally manufacture goods to change their manufacturing plants into war armament plants. It also allowed clothing and shoe companies to make uniforms, coats and boots for the troops. The same thing held true for Canada, England, New Zealand and Australia
Yes, and the last items didn't come off rationing until 1954 - 9 years after the war ended.
In any sane society rationing is only used during a emergency.
No, there was no rationing in korean war
In the UK, rationing actually got worse at the end of the war but then gradually started to improve although the last items didn't finally come off ration until 1954.
Rationing was the restriction by law of food, sweets, clothes, petrol etc so that everyone could get something to eat etc, and so that rich people did not buy up everything. Rationing carried on for seval years after the end of WWII, I remember the end of sweet rationing.
Rationing continued on many items until 1954.•1948- The end of rationing begins. It is another 5 years before rationing of all products is stopped.•25 July 1948 - end of flour rationing•15 March 1949 - end of clothes rationing•19 May 1950 - rationing ended for canned and dried fruit, chocolate biscuits, treacle, syrup, jellies and mincemeat.•September 1950 - rationing ended for soap•3 October 1952 - Tea rationing ended•February 1953 - Sweet and sugar rationing ends•4 July 1954 - Food rationing ends
Rationing was done during World War II.We are rationing the chocolate during our diet.
There was very strict rationing in Germany is World War I, especially toward the end of the war when there was scarcity of almost everything.
They watered down soups and substituted ingredients where possible.
WW2 rationing ended in 1954, with the end of the meat ration.