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Amendment XIII (13) abolished slavery, which was a huge factor of the Southern United States' economy.

The Southern United States relied on slaves to work many large plantations and farms the grew primarily cotton, but also grains, tobacco, and many other cash crops.

The 13th amendment also did not repay slave owners for their slaves; many plantation owners were now left with huge plots of land and no one to work them, and their whole lives' worth of investments (their slaves) were gone. Slaves were very expensive -- nearing $1750, which would be the equivalent of around $40,000 in today's money.

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The Republicans, Abolitionists, and Slaves were all happy about it, and the slave owners in the south were not.

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Who disaproved of the 13th Amendment?

Southern states and slave holders.

What was the Constitutional amendment that freed the slaves?

The 13th amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery in the United States and its territories.

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The 13th Amendment was outlawing slavery in the United States.

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The 13th amendment was passed by the end of Civil War before the Southern states had been restored back to the Union and should have easily passed the Congress.

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Slavery was abolished by an amendment to the Bill of Rights section of the US Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

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13th amendment freed all slaves but Emancipation Proclamation only freed confederate held slaves for Lincoln could only free southern slaves for military strategies, as commander and chief.the 13th amendment officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery.The Emancipation Proclamation was an executive order issued by Abrahan Lincoln that freed slaves in Southern states. The 13th Amendment to the Constitution permanently abolished slavery after the Civil War.

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The 13th amendment to the US Constitution was ratified by a majority of states December 6, 1865.

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Abraham Lincoln did not end slavery, per Se. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. In 1863. President Lincoln wrote and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which made slavery illegal in the Southern States, which had seceded from the Union (11 in total.) The 13th Amendment was passed in December of 1864.

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The Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery in the United States.

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The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

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The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.