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Q: What amendment abolished slavery in the United states?
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What was the keypoint of the 13th amendment?

The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery.

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it abolished slavery in the united states

Which constitutional amendment abolished slavery?

Slavery was abolished by an amendment to the Bill of Rights section of the US Constitution. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

Which amendment to the Constitution abolished slavery?

Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

What is important about the Thirteenth Amendment?

It abolished slavery from the United States. (:

What was the main provision of the thirteenth amendment?

It abolished slavery in the United States

. What was the main provision of the Thirteenth Amendment?

It abolished slavery in the United States

When and how was slavery abolished?

Slavery was abolished in the United States with the ratification of the 13th Amendment on December 6, 1865, following the Civil War. The amendment officially ended the institution of slavery in the country.

What amendment freed the enslaved African American?

The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

What constitutional amendment states the end of slavery?

After President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States.

What constitutional amendment outlawed slavery in the United states?

Slavery is abolished? Alabama represent nigglet!

After the war the US Congress abolished slavery in the United states in the?

in the 13th amendment