After WW II, computer is more effect to home'slife for many things such as cooking, and working, in additoon, our life rarely miss it.
they were industrialized. The electronics got bigger and better and more important during life after World War 2. They also became alot more important to the daily life style.
Computers and Advanced Technology
Soldiers always adapt - no matter how.
Life Goes to War: Hollywood and the Home Front
Carl Rogers was an American psychologist. After World War II, he interviewed soldiers after they returned home and helped them adjust to normal life.
Everyday life for the people stuck at home during World War II was full of rationing food, working, and organizing supply drives for the soldiers. Life for the soldiers overseas mainly involved waiting for something to happen. When the fighting did occur, it was fast and frightening.
If this is from Home Eco then: Technology has a huge affect on literacy life. Tech. allows you to explore the world as it is today.
technology is the product of science while home economics refers on study on how to plan life.
Technology was seen more in everyday life after World War 2. People were able to afford things such as telephones in their home, automobiles, televisions, and radios.
Well obviously there was a bigger death toll
it made people lazy
they kill people alive!
There was no much technology is 1949. TV (Black and White) existed but there was not much else.
it can affect an persons everyday life because to much technology can cause a persons eye sight
Live life to affect the world, not to have the world affect you.
the life in 1890 was diffrent so they used diffrent type of technology but that technology was not as good as the ones we have here the life in 1890 was diffrent so they used diffrent type of technology but that technology was not as good as the ones we have here