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well according to Hitler and some other of his colleagues he concluded that the Jews were the main cause of all his problems which triggered WWII. another thing that added politics into the mix is that the USA didn't think that saving Jews and other victims was on their list of priorities so they stayed out of it. i hope you find my answers useful!

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Q: How did the Holocaust affect World Politics?
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There is remembrance of the Holocaust but there is no 'Holocaust movement'. That expression makes it sound like a political campaign.

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it became the event that everything was related to.

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World politics affect personal economic conditions in various ways. This is due to the interaction of various countries in the world and the politics of the day will be trickled down to individual countries whether positively or negatively.

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WWII caused the Holocaust.

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Hitler didn't just affect the Holocaust, he was the Holocaust.

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It has been said that the Holocaust accelerated the campaign against racism, for example in the U.S., after the war.

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Really not much happened to affect politics but the U.S. socially, technologically, and econmically was affected during ww2

Did the Holocaust affect Sweden during World War 2?

Sweden was neutral in WW2.