they would put them in chambers and then fill them with gas that kills them
They only killed Non German Aryan children
In the Holocaust (WW2)? One million Jewish children were killed.
There is no exact figure of how many children were killed around the world in World War 2 because many were not on any census and many were simply obliterated in bombs. I can tell you that more civilians died in the war than military personnel. Many Japanese, Okinawans and other islanders committed suicide and killed the children too.
Hitler didn't have childen of his own.
The book "Thoughts About Women and the Holocaust" by Ringleheim, says that more women than men were killed. The men were used for slave labor. The women were often killed on their arrival in the camps.
no, i killed them
No, people kill children.
Out of 13 Million People who were killed during the Holocaust, only about 1.3-1.7 Million Children were killed during the Holocaust. Majority of the Children were under the ages of 13 years old.
Jews.. Children, Men, and Woman were killed.
Medea killed her children to 'protect' them from being killed out of revenge for what she did to the princess.Answer 2:Or rather to get her revenge on Jason.
Over 5,000 children
Edward killed 234 men and even children during his reign
Medea killed her children when Jason fell in love with another woman.
edward killed 234 including children !
Yes, children were killed in internment camps.
Bloody Mary never personally killed anyone. She was also known to be fond of children.
None were killed in the twin towers. Eight children died on 9/11 but they were all plane passengers.