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Technology took made many improvements during the Civil War. The guns went from smoothbore muskets to rifles that used minie balls. The Civil War also saw torpedoes, submarines and Gatling guns.

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9y ago
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9y ago

The Civil War had a lot to do with the way that we fight war's today. Rifles, ships and communication were all upgraded as a result of the need during the war.

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12y ago

It was more violent and the weapons became stronger. Bigger guns and better tanks ect.

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13y ago

Rifle-barrelled artillery

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Q: How did the civil war change warfare?
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There were a few technological advancements that directly impacted warfare during the American Civil War. Two things were the railroad and the Gatling Gun.

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Two USMA graduates and active generals in the US Civil War had published their views on warfare in the 19th century. Confederate General Pierre Beauregard and Union General Henry Halleck each published their ideas on 19th century warfare prior to the outbreak of the US Civil War.