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The Civil War created a more perfect Union in that it united the Confederate and Union states permanently, giving birth to "the United States of America"!

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Q: How did the civil war create a more perfect union?
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a more perfect union

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Democracy was formed to have a more perfect union and society. This was to create civil and social participation, and prevent abuses of power.

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"In order to create a more perfect Union"

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A More Perfect Union - album - was created in 1987.

A more perfect union?

yes by ratifying the constitution constantly we can form a more perfect union Heather

What does perfact union mean in the constitution?

It actually says, "...more perfect Union". Lincoln recognized that the Union was not perfect. The new Constitution was designed with the goal to IMPROVE the Union, making it "more perfect".

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"To form a more perfect union" is important because it is the goal of the Constitution. The Union was poorly organized at the time of the constitution.

What is the meaning of a more perfect union?

Well as u can see the phrase means that the perfect union would t be perfect until the government established the union

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A More Perfect Union - 2000 was released on: USA: 1 September 2000

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A More Perfect Union - 1987 was released on: USA: 11 July 1987

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A More Perfect Union - 2009 TV was released on: USA: 19 November 2009