By making newsreels and Propaganda
By forming the USO to entertain troops
By making newsreels and propaganda
By helping with the Voice of America
Many stars toured the country helping to sell War Bonds. Carole Lombard died in a plane crash on one such tour.
War Movies were made for morale purposes.
Many actors such as Clark Gable and James Stewart volunteered for the armed services.
They made training films for the military and in the movie theaters they ran bond ads, made prowar films, and had newsreels before movies. Ronald Reagan worked on the training films for the military and many actors also served in the military. The USO shows also went into the war zones and bases to put on shows for the men. Bob Hope would take shows to the men with actresses like Betty Gable, and others. They would tell jokes, sing, and dance. Hope was known for his jokes and always had a Golf club as part of his act. The entertainment industry was VERY much part of the war effort.
By forming the USO to entertain troops (apex)
The Women's Army Corps was a place where women could serve during World War II.
American women played important roles during world war II, both at home and is not only did they give sons husbands fathers and brothers to the war effort.
by balls
By sending entertainers to the troops
By sending entertainers to the troops
By forming the USO to entertain troops
By forming the USO to entertain troops
By forming the USO to entertain troops
By forming the USOZ TO entertain troops
It used propaganda to inspire young men to join the war effort and support their country.
By making newsreels and PropagandaBy forming the USO to entertain troops
By making newsreels and Propaganda
By forming the USO to entertain troops (apex)
By making newsreels and Propaganda.
By sending entertainers to the troops