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The Westward Expansion has often been regarded as the central theme of American history. The expansion was the result of a strong desire of Manifest Destiny amongst most Americans. Manifest was a belief that the United States was destined to expand across the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. Westward expansion had many effects on America. New forms of transportation such as the Transcontinental Railroad developed, bolstering the nation's economy. Although most changes were positive, some were negative. The westward expansion weakened the Native Americans hold on their sacred lands and onto reservations and threatened to ruin their culture.

The positive result of Westward Expansion was the start of the United States. Nowadays, United States is one of the most successful countries in the world, and it all started with Westward Expansion. The movement to the West created a huge country which set up the success of America.

Another positive part was the creation of the Transcontinental Railroad. The railroad was built as a result of Westward movement, because the early settlers needed a way to transport goods from the West, such as lumber, to the East, efficiently in order to develop a economy.

A negative part, and it is a big negative, was the end of the Native Americans. Of course, there are still Native Americans living today, but back before Westward expansion; they basically had the whole West Coast. They treated their land with care. But when white settlers arrived, they were forced out of their own land and onto reservations. Conflicts between white people and Indians arose because of this, and many people, especially Native American, were killed, and killed brutally.

Without Westward Expansion, the United States would not be as successful as it is nowadays. But on the other hand, the Natives were here first and we should have given them respect. Even though it is horrific what happened to the Native Americans as a result of Westward Expansion, without it, America would not be where it is today.

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