Before ww II not that bad. In 1938, Adolf Hitler was chosen as Time Magazine’s man of the year
He's just following his point of view.
There is debate among historians as to how Hitler killed himself, but the general view is that he shot himself in the head with his Walther pistol and that he took a cyanide poison pill.
There is debate among historians as to how Hitler killed himself, but the general view is that he shot himself in the head with his Walther pistol and that he took a cyanide poison pill.
Adolf Hitler commited sucide on April 30, 1945. First he swallowed a cyanide pill and didn't think it would work, so, he shot himself. and that was the end of hitler. (He also did this to many of his senior officers and there families before he died.)
His view was that they weren't fit to be alive and therefore had to be killed, which is why he killed many disabled people.
No such thing, as Adolf Hitler was a corporal in World War 1.
he wanted to control the world and make his perfect Germans
He's just following his point of view.
The excerpt from "A Tale of Two Cities" is written in third-person omniscient point of view, where the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters. This allows the reader to gain a comprehensive understanding of the story and its various perspectives.
that social studies is dumb
they big bean my poopy woopys
to make better germany, make german power ful, make strong country in the world
That they are troublemakers who must be killed.
To settle all matters politically.
The country's of Western Europe went back to the systems they had before the war which were not to bad from a Human rights point of view. However all the eastern country's were sold up the river and were taken over by the Russians to be ruled under one of the most repressive systems ever created.
He was a realist and believed that governments should act and respond to what is actually going on in the world as opposed to vague moral or historical precepts.