A standard supply function: stand in line, and the man is issued a weapon, signing for it of course.;
The U.S used no nuclear weapons whatsoever on Vietnam.
More powerful weapons
I don't think anyone did.
Fear that the North Vietnamese would obtain nuclear weapons themselves (from Russia or China) and use them on South Vietnam or even on America.
The US did not want to risk a nuclear confrontation with the communist superpowers.
No, Vietnam was LIMITED to conventional weapons only. A limited war.
Nuclear weapons were not used in the Vietnam War.
Nuclear weapons were not used during the Vietnam war
See answer below.
The U.S used no nuclear weapons whatsoever on Vietnam.
The weapons the US Government provided. In the early years of the war the were furnished WWII era weapons, later, were provided the same mat
The US tested napalm, bombs and chemical weapons on the Vietnam civilians.
More powerful weapons
The F22 Raptor would only have smart weapons and no guns on it had not been for the Vietnam war.