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Due to the devastating loss of nearly a generation of men during the First World War, women were forced to step outside of the traditional feminine roles of the times. Women joined the military and served as caregivers and nurses. They worked the essential jobs that needed to done despite their male workers absence and kept AmericaÃ?s transportation systems running. . The willingness of these women to keep the country going helped to push ahead the 19th amendment that gave finally gave women the right to vote.

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13y ago

Before the first world war, women had to stay indoors, in the kitchen ;).

However, when the men went out to war, women were given the chance to work in factories. This obviously caused women to become more "social".

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15y ago

1. Women took over the jobs usually done by men in many occupations.

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Q: How did women become more liberated during World War 1?
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