You deny responsibility for something you did, and say that your brother is responsible for that thing that he actually isn't responsible for.
A scapegoat is someone who will take the blame for something that someone else does. Examples include a brother taking the blame for another sibling breaking something in the house.
Germans and Russians were to blame .
A blame game is a situation in which people attempt to blame others rather than attempting to solve a problem.
because Hitler had hated Jews so when he became leader of the Germany the Nazi party sided with him and that's why they were to blame
She tried to blame her mistake on someone else, but it was clear that she was at fault.
he watching his brother when he drowned as a young child
yourself You should blame the closest person to your brother/mother/sister or dad.
im middle child too! my brother & sister blame EVERYYHING on me ,too
She tried to blame her brother for breaking the vase, but he had an alibi proving he was not at home at the time.
I can't belive my parents blamed me for my brother's mess.
A scapegoat is someone who will take the blame for something that someone else does. Examples include a brother taking the blame for another sibling breaking something in the house.
You blame him for something that would be kind of true.
Probably because they have a little sister/brother to pick on and an older sister/brother to blame everything on. But that's just my opinion.
Because he left his brother in the saw mill to work himself and didn't look out for him and his brother got cut by the saw and died.
To repair any relationship you must first realize what went wrong. Talk to your brother first and accept fault and blame where necessary, urge him to chat a new course.
Be mean and annoying back. Or you can rat them out! get them grounded for like 2/3weeks or something! If you really cant say anything because you cant think of anything, then tell him that he's really mean to you and tell your mum or dad what they've said. If your brother is older than you, they will get told off, if you are older then you will get the blame. That doesn't really help because my brother is older than me and i still get the blame :'(