Yes, the Civil War started on the attack on Fort Sumter. The first major battle of the war was the Battle of Bull Run.
Poland attack by Nazi.China Attack by Imperial Japanese Army.Ethiopia attack by Italy
There were many well coordinated attacks during World War II. However, the most coordinated attack was an attack called Wolfpack which encompassed the naval tactics.
The Attack on Pearl Harbor started WWII for the Americans but it was already going in Europe for several years. After the attack the Unites States declared war on Japan and Germany bringing the U.S. into the war.
an artillery attack
Blitzkrieg - "lightening war" combined dive bomber and tank attack to shock and overwhelm enemy
No, not at all. You can attack their attack position monsters first if you want.
In "War of the Monsters," the volcano is activated by fighting near it with a special "Rivalry" meter filled. Once the meter is filled, defeat your opponent near the volcano to trigger the volcanic eruption. This will cause the volcano to erupt and deal massive damage to your opponent.
Attck players.Use your monsters housing and your hatchery to produce monsters then click 'map' click 'attack' then attack other players
Because they attack the guards.They attack the monsters for a simple reason; to defend the civilians.
The duration of Attack of the Crab Monsters is 1.03 hours.
The duration of All Monsters Attack is 1.15 hours.
Put them in your bunker.
Attack of the Crab Monsters was created on 1957-02-10.
All Monsters Attack was created on 1969-12-20.
Yes, you can build a Dungeon and place monsters in it, which you can then attack.
To protect yourself from monsters your not supposed to attack them