pretend u want the map called "jewburger". so type in : /savemap ac_jewburger.
Union general Halleck planned the assault on Corinth. Indeed the city was evacuated by the Confederates before the assault.
Juno beach
Tibet was the country taken over by China in a brutal assault in 1950 and 1951.
*the assault failed, but the regiment earned respect for its bravery in action.*
blitzkrieg. - A helpful classmate
Press E in gameplay
you cant its impossible
To play Assault Cube on a Mac you should download the Mac version of the game from the website (See links below) and then read the extensive instructions.
Well, you zoom with the assigned key for the option.
hit escape JOIN clan ASCB be tested by Eloc
Because of the cube engines limitations you cant make a second floor out of the geometry but if you go to escape-edit-map models-platforms you can put another level in adjust the height by hitting space after the code and entering how many cubes high you want it. JOIN clan ASCB be tested by Eloc
I could not find a download but u can do source code hack
B"coz the cube brings Megatron alive and also the map of hidden weapon by fallen..........
ODST does'nt have the AR.
yes its in your games root folder
No they aren't ! they are used to save animales