Aurangzeb was not killed by anyone, He expired in a very good condition while he was praying, He was a very good human being but still people say bad about him for some political benefits
Hitler was born an Austrian, but served in a Bavarian regiment in World War 1. He renounced his Austrian citizenship in 1925, which made him stateless. He didn't manage to become a German citizen till February 1932.
That is a very, very good question. Their only use is mass destruction, and when I say mass destruction, I mean life as we know it being severely altered.
He was born in Austria as an Austrian citizen and raised in Linz and lived in Vienna for a while but moved to Munich (a German city) at the age of 25. He renounced his Austrian citizenship in 1927, despite the fact that this made him stateless. He acquired German citizenship in February 1932. It was granted by the state of Brunswick, which was ruled by a coalition that included the Nazis. Under German nationality law at the time, anyone lawfully granted citizenship of one of the German states automatically acquired German citizenship.No, Hitler was born in Austria and was an Austrian until 1932, when he got German citizenship.
As Australia uses the English language (with an Austrian twang) I would simply say, "Good night."
In Austrian German, you can say "wunderbar" to mean wonderful.
A female Austrian is "Österreicherin".A male Austrian is "Österreicher"As an adjective it is österreichisch"
There is no Austrian language. In Deutsch, you would say, "Ich heiße Brittany."
"Großmutter" is the word for grandmother in Austrian German.
Servus - hey
At the time, there was very little distinction between Austrian and German nationality - that is a post-War concept. If you place it on the basis of what country they came from, though, many were, but it was proportional to the populations. After the Anschluß, one cannot say that someone was Austrian, as they were officially a part of Germany.
The austrian's currency rates is 1 Euro (€) = 100 Cents.
please come in
autrichien - autrichienne
There is no such language as "Austrian". In Austria they speak German, as they do in most of Switzerland.Switzerland in German is "Schweiz".