He helps him by giving him helpful hints, facts, and advice. Telemachus was there for his dad throught out the battle for ehatever he needed.
Battle of Antietam.
New York was the turning point of the revolutionary war.
The knights squire would help him get on his armour and mount his horse, the Squire was also expected to go in aid of his Knight if he fell of his horse or was wounded in battle.
No not like in WW1 however there were many tunnels dug by the north to aid in the fight against invading forces
He didn't have a plan to avoid the Battle of Five-Armies. He slipped on his Ring, though, so that no one would see him. Although when the eagles came to their aid, he gave a shout of glee, and it earned him a great rock thrown at his head. He blacked out, and lay there invisible through the rest of the battle.
In Greek, "Telemachus" means "far from battle". Telemachus is a figure in Greek mythology, the son of Odysseus and Penelope. The first four books of the Odyssey is focused on Telemahus' journeys in search of news about his father.
Athena is in disguise and persuades telemachus to find his father
Telemachus proves that he can think and act like his father, Odysseus, by mustering the courage to take charge of his household and embarking on a journey to find news of his missing father. Through displaying resourcefulness, intelligence, and strategic thinking similar to Odysseus, Telemachus shows that he possesses qualities akin to his father's.
The goddess, Athene, goes in disguise to Ithaca to encourage Telemachus to deal in a manly fashion with the Suitors who are courting his mother, Penelope, and with finding out what has happened to his father. She plays a large role in aiding Telemachus to search for his father, primarily because she was very fond of Odysseus and wanted him to return home to Ithaca. Telemachus would also play a role in the battle in the hall, very important for Odysseus' success.
Odysseus is Telemachuses father and if your referring to qualities then Odysesseus is much more experienced and trained that Telemachus because Telemachus matured without his father