Zyklon B was an extremely poisonous gas that was used during World War ll. It was used in the gas chambers in the concentration camps to kill the Jews instantly.
Zyklon B is a transport system for hydrogen cyanide, its active ingredient. H-cyanide is a cytotoxin that interferes with cellular respiration, which can generate neurotoxic effects.
Hydrogen cyanide or Zyklon B as it was called.
Zyklon B is a pesticide. Once exposed to air, Zyklon B releases cyanide; which kills people.
Hydrogen cyanide.
Zyklon B was developed by Fritz Haber, a German Jewish chemist and Nobel laureate. It was a cyanide based insecticide and used during the first world war for delousing, but was later used in the killing of thousands of Jews in gas chambers
It was not really called "Bayer" at that time, it was called "I.G. Farben"
Because, Zyklon B is a poisonous and toxic gas which will kill people withing 15 minutes
Hydrogen cyanide or Zyklon B as it was called.
Zyklon B ir Carbon Monoxide
Zyklon-B, an industrial-strength pesticide, was poured through openings in the roofs of the gas chambers. When exposed to air, Zyklon-B gives off a highly toxic gas. The Allies found millions upon millions of empty Zyklon-B containers when they raided the death camps. Diesel engine exhausts were also used, either in the "showers" or in gas vans that they transported Jews to the site in.
Zyklon B is a pesticide. Once exposed to air, Zyklon B releases cyanide; which kills people.
I may be incorrect, but I believe it was called Zyklon B, a very lethal nerve gas. Of course, I may be wrong. Zyklon B was the most well known gas used for the Holocaust. However, most Jews were executed with carbon monoxide poisoning from truck exhaust because the Nazis had supply problems with Zyklon B. ___ The poison was hydrogen cyanide. Zyklon B was the base.
Zyklon B, a brand name for a form of Hydrogen Cyanide
I can believe i am giving the end away, but he is gassed in the camp
The cyanide based pesticide which was used by the Nazis to kill Jews was called Zyklon B.
gas derived from prussic acid and known by the brand name Zyklon-B.
The Germans used Zyklon B for killing people in the concentration camps.