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Most likely it would be Clothes, Gunpower,and probaly so much more!

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Q: How factories did the union have?
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trace the growth of trade union movement from factories act 1881 to factories act 1948

What are the Union and confeterate resources?

Union had factories and steel making plants Confederates had cotton, for clothes, tobacco, for their pipes, almost no factories

Who had more factories the union or confederate?

The South had very few factories in comparison with the North.

What were factories using union and non union workers called?

Open Shop.

What was the difference between the Confederacy and the Union?

the union has more factories and bigger population than the confederacy.

How might norths railways and factories have helped its armies?

Northern factories made products that were needed by the Union army. This include firearms. The Union's extensive railroad system allowed these products to reach the Union armies. Also, the railroads provided troop transport.

What did the union have but the confederate didn't?

They had more men to fight against the confederacy. The Union also had the government, navy, and almost all of the united states' factories.

National Trader's Union?

An organization of laborers that strove for better working conditions in the mills and factories.

Why did the tide of war slowly turn in favor of the Union?

The North had more soldiers, factories, and railroads.

Why does Ulysses S. Grant support union?

Because he believed that slavery was wrong. The Union once had slavery but when they switched to having factories they turned on the idea of slavery.

What evidence is there that industrialization was successful in the north?

Northern factories kept the Union armies supplied throughout the war.

What group of people formed a large part of workforce in union factories during the civil war?
