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They are 106 miles apart.

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About 160 kilometers "as the crows fly"

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Q: How far apart are the confederate and union capitals?
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Who had more men at fort Sumter the union of confederats?

Confederates - by far. Sumter was a tiny garrison, and although Lincoln was planning to keep it supplied, there was no realistic prospect of manning it strongly enough to resist the Confederate troops.

What side was Maryland on during the civil war?

Surely you jest because as a major slave holding state it was certainly allied with the Confederate States of America and it seceded from the Union in January of 1861 and had Montgomery as the first Capital of the Confederacy.

How did the advantages of the north at the start of war continue to be advantages?

The Union ( North ) had a number of advantages over the Confederacy that continued to remain advantages for the following reasons: 1. The Union's advantage in manufacturing remained because most of the Union's factories were well out of reach from the Confederate Army. Robert E. Lee's attempt to capture Harrisburg Pennsylvania as example failed. The Union as well as the North did not expect anymore Confederate advances. 2. The Union's advantage in warships was immense compared to the South's. It would take a very long time for the Confederacy to catch up. Also, the Northern shipyards were well protected and had the ability to build more ships as needed. 3. The Union's population was far greater than that of the South. This was a large pool of possible soldiers. This advantage remained and there was no chance of this Northern advantage to be reduced. 4. Farmlands in the North, most of them, were out of reach from Confederate forces. This would remain so as the North had control of farmlands and cattle ranches in most of the Territories as well. The South's farm base was available to be attacked by the North and was.

The union had far greater industrial production than the confederacy in what ways do you think this helped the union?

The Union had far greater industrial production than the Confederacy, in many ways this helped the Union, not the least of which was in weapons production. Another way this helped were the quantity of textile mills that could produce supplies for soldiers.

What country had the most battlefront deaths in World War 2?

The Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.). By far. And the most civilian deaths by far.

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No. They didn't think it went far enough. Actually, it only covered slaves that were in the confederate states that had left the union.

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Because the union captured two confederate river sforts. These were Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Union gun boats could now travel on the river as far as northern alabama

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The Union's Confiscation Act was passed in July of 1862. Union General Pope is now empowered to seize Confederate property, including slaves. As far as Confederate Jefferson Davis is concerned, these potential confiscations are "infamous". Davis threatens to treat Pope's officers responding to Pope's seizure orders, as "felons".

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None of the Confederate states actually switched back to the Union, as far as I know. However, Virginia was split into Virginia and West Virginia because of the war.

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Confederate General Felix K. Zollircoffer was engaged in battle with advanced Union forces of General George H. Thomas.This was near the of January 1862 in Kentucky. As Zollicoffer was rallying his troops he rode too far ahead and accidentally found himself unknowingly on the Union lines. Sadly the Confederate general was nearsighted and he rode up to a mounted Federal officer, Colonel Speed Fry. and proceeded to give him orders. The Union officer, seeing that he was facing a Confederate general immediately shot Zollicoffer who died on the spot. Soon after Confederate forces retreated south out of Kentucky to Tennessee.

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