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Any time a government authority (police, military, etc.) willfully intrudes into a person's home without a warrant/probable cause/or consent; or stops a person's freedom of movement (either on foot or a vehicle) without probable cause/consent/warrant; or stops a person from saying what's on his mind (within accepted reason) violating the US Constitution (Bill of Rights)...e.g. Search and Seizer/Freedom of Speech Amendments, etc. It's presumed that only the US has such a constitution; guaranteeing certain individual rights (laws). These are amongst the most common complaints drawn from the citizen's of foreign nations.

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Q: How is Russia violating human rights?
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If somebody wants to kill himself and is stopped is this violating his human rights?

It does not violate someone's human rights to stop him from killing himself.

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Which group was accused of violating human rights in the city on nanjing during world war 2?


What is a sentence with the word rights?

Civil rights is an important part of a stable economic system.

Is going to the toilet one of the human rights?

It is a human right to be able to relieve oneself at the restroom. It is violating worker’s rights by not giving the workers the ability to go to the bathroom. The employer is at risk of a lawsuit if they do this.

What is classed a breaking someones human rights?

It may be different in other nations, but (in the US) while there are many laws protecting your CIVIL rights, and criminal laws which protect you (supposedly) against being harmed criminally, but there no such offense as violating somene's "human rights."

In which countries rights have been violated?

The so-called Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is not a codifed, universally recognized, legally enforceable document therefore no one, and no nation, is technically "violating" anything.

What is meant by violation of human rights?

When you strict or violate human rights, it means to take the basic rights of humanity away. Such as a home, electricity, food, drink and ect like that. Also, human rights is to do with treating someone as if they are bad, like dirt. So if you break one of those then you are violating human rights towards humans. Answer 2: Basic human rights are freedom, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, expression, conscience and religion.

Is using condoms a violation of human rights?

um no, because the person who it would be violating hasn't been made yet, so hasn't been violated?

Why did north Korea have a poor record of human rights?

Because the government was founded by and is modeled on Stalin's Russia.

What is Russia's view on the water distribution in the west bank?

Russia is pro-palestinian mostly since the 1700's when t became the 'protector of orthodox christians. As for water distribution, Russia supports human rights and fair amounts of water is a human right.

Is showing other employees a picture of you kissing a girl when you are a bisexual woman and then being told to human resources violating your privacy rights?

No. You did something you shouldn't have, and they complained; it is entirely your fault.